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- Visit to the PLA Film Studio[2013-9-22]
- The Grand Award Ceremony of Universal Travels Music Billboard, 2012[2013-9-22]
- The Grand Meeting in JiuDingLongQuan Temple[2013-9-22]
- The 10th Opening Ceremony of AnHui – ShiTai Tea[2013-9-22]
- Establishment of the Organizing Committee in Commemoration of The 120t[2013-9-22]
- The Award and Charity Ceremony in Anyang and Linzhou, Henan[2013-9-22]
- Visit to China General and Minister's Gallary in Beijing[2013-9-22]
- 《南海观世音》交响合唱组曲全球首演音乐会[2013-9-22]
- 朱德元帅故乡“助学慈善会”成立[2013-9-22]
- 航天酒泉卫星发射中心——兰州行[2013-9-22]
- 辽宁省铁岭龙泉寺庆典法会[2013-9-22]
- “庆八一”慰问特警雪豹突击队[2013-9-22]
- 2011 Grand Award Ceremony of Universal Music Billboard[2013-9-22]
- 联合国世界和平祈祷大会在香港隆重举行[2013-9-22]
- 慰问武警天安门支队[2013-9-22]
- 首届民企春晚龙年除夕夜在央视网、人民网、优酷等播出[2013-9-22]
- 纪念毛泽东主席诞辰118周年[2013-9-22]
- 出席胡锦涛总书记母校百年校庆[2013-9-22]
- 评选2010绿色中国年度焦点人物活动颁奖仪式[2013-9-12]
- 东方神骏[2013-9-12]